The Definitive Guide to Bitcoin and Other Digital Currencies

Jason Stutman

Posted October 21, 2017

You told yourself it was a fad…

You said it was a bubble…

You were convinced it would collapse at just a few hundred dollars.

But like so many other people who are kicking themselves today, you were dead wrong.

As much as I hate to say it, and as much as you probably hate to admit it, the reality is you’ve screwed up big time by not investing in Bitcoin.

But if it’s any consolation, you’re not alone.

We first told investors to buy the landmark digital currency in 2014. Yet to our ongoing dismay, so many of our readers continue to sit on the sidelines today.

As I’m writing this, Bitcoin is trading at $5,723.86 a unit. By the time this message gets to you, it may be even higher.

I can’t tell you how many times over the last three years I’ve listened to someone lament over their inaction with Bitcoin.

“If only I had invested earlier!” they tell me. “If only it wasn’t too late.”

They told me this in 2014, in 2015, and again in 2016.

And they’re still saying it to me today.

Meanwhile, those of us who are actively taking part in the digital currency revolution are making an absolute killing.

Not just on Bitcoin, mind you, but on a host of other digital currencies, each with their own unique applications.

In fact, subscribers to our investment newsletter Technology and Opportunity are looking at a 546% open gain from one of our recent digital currency recommendations.

This has me wracking my brain for why there’s still so much hesitation among certain investors when it comes to Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

On the one hand, I get the objections.

It’s true that the concept of Bitcoin and digital currencies in general is unfamiliar. People fear what they don’t understand, especially when it comes to making investment decisions.

Underlying the digital currency universe is an incredibly powerful technology known as the blockchain. Most people don’t know how the blockchain works, so they dismiss it.

But you don’t need to know how a microprocessor works to know that Apple is a good stock to own. You don’t need to understand the inner workings of Amazon’s fulfillment centers to want to own its shares.

When it comes to investing in technology, all you really need to know is the benefit of it, and in the case of digital currency, those benefits are immense.

Unparalleled security…

Reduced transaction fees…

A hedge against central governments printing money out of thin air…

These are just a few of the reasons Forbes is calling digital currency “the future of money.”

And at this point, it’s getting pretty hard to disagree.

But I also get that there are over a thousand digital currencies available today trading across many different exchanges. And the truth is most of these currencies are bunk.

This seems to be what has many investors feeling paralyzed by their options — like they’re trying to pick a needle out of a haystack.

Yet even the market’s most notorious bubbles end up producing huge winners, as long as you don’t go investing indiscriminately.

Take the dot-com boom for example. Amazon, eBay, and Priceline have all climbed well above their 2001 peaks. Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all spurred by that same tech bubble, too.

In fact, today, the top six largest companies in the world by market cap could all be considered dot-com stocks.

We can only expect that the same will end up being true for the digital currency market. Most of these currencies will collapse and fail, but those that succeed will turn out to be economic powerhouses a decade down the line.

This is why we’ve put together a brief, free presentation explaining the ins and outs of digital currency and why we’re so sure this “digital gold rush” is the investment opportunity of a lifetime.

A few months ago I hired a digital currency expert to help me put together a robust educational tool and starter package for anyone new to Bitcoin or digital currencies in general.

What we’ve come up with is truly incredible.

The package includes four full-length reports explaining the ins and outs of digital currency investing, from securing your investment and dealing with the IRS to understanding the different kinds of coins and the exchanges they trade on.

We’ve also written a 44-page e-book breaking down the top digital currencies, alongside a vault of easy-to-follow video lessons and tutorials. Further, we’ll be scheduling ongoing monthly mailings with up-to-date analysis on the digital currency market.

In other words, this isn’t just a robust educational package; it’s an ongoing digital currency service and archive.

To top it all off, we’re even giving new subscribers up to $300 in digital currency to kick off their investment.

This package is officially available today, so if you’re tired of waiting on the sidelines while other people make millions off digital currencies like Bitcoin, I encourage you to access it right away.

Until next time,

  JS Sig

Jason Stutman

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